As I noticed
before, humankind hadn’t been created immortal but mortal, according to the book
of Genesis. We can know that from the biblical declaration according to which
God would have created the tree of life necessary for acquiring eternal life.
Why would God have created the tree of life if human beings were created
immortal from the beginning? There wouldn’t have been any reason for that. If
human beings had been created mortal the animals were also mortal and of course
the plants were mortal by definition if they were the food of the animals and
man. If
that is so, the assertion advanced by the apostle Paul that death had entered
into the world as a consequence of humankind’s disobedience to God is wrong.
This is enough reason for the rejection of all theology of classical theism.
Death didn’t enter into the world because man didn’t listen to God but He
generated mortal human beings. Those human beings could have acceded to eternal
life only by eating from the tree of life. After Adam and Eve’s disobedience to
God the tree of life has been guarded by the cherubim in order to prevent the
human beings from eating from it and living forever.
“22 Then the LORD
God said, ‘See, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and
now, he might reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and eat,
and live for/span> ever’ — 23 therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the
garden of Eden, to till the ground from which he was taken.” (Genesis 3; 22-23
Even after their
disobedience to God humankind would have been able to become immortal if only
they were allowed to eat from the tree of life, and this is the reason why the
tree of life was guarded. The idea that humankind had been created immortal but
would have died following its disobedience to God isn’t biblical, it is an
invention which justifies a false theology:
“12 Therefore,
just as sin came into the world through one man, and death came through sin, and
so death spread to all because all have sinned — 13 sin was indeed in the world
before the law, but sin is not reckoned when there is no law. 14 Yet death
exercised dominion from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sins were not like
the transgression of Adam, who is a type of the one who was to come. 15 But the
free gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died through the one man’s
trespass, much more surely have the grace of God and the free gift in the grace
of the one man, Jesus Christ, abounded for the many.” (Romans 5; 12-15 NRSV)
If the many didn’t
die through the one man’s trespass, there isn’t any reason for the free gift in
the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, to abound for the many. Death, contrary
to what Apostle Paul says in the epistle to Romans, would have been in the world
before Adam and Eve’s alleged disobedience to God and doesn’t have anything to
do with that myth. This assertion questions the principle of grace or free gift
of salvation. Human salvation is based on the idea of a free gift which
compensates Adam’s alleged sin which would have been transmitted to all human
beings. If it looks rather unjust that so many people have to suffer for the
alleged Adam’s sin even if they didn’t sin in the same way, this injustice is
compensated by the free gift of salvation. Those who are condemned for Adam’s
sin are forgiven if they believe in Jesus and in this way the injustice of the
transmission of the consequences of Adam’s sin is eradicated. Because
Adam is only a mythological personage the free gift of salvation doesn’t
compensate anything because none can be punished for Adam’s sin.
The salvation
isn’t a free gift somehow owed by God to
humankind but it is a possibility of a human being to improve himself or herself
through a personal relation with God and through new birth. If Adam and Eve are
a legend, personal faith in God doesn’t have anything to do with the narratives
promoting that story. This, of course, has huge theological consequences
regarding what we mean by grace of God. The
assertion from the epistles to the Romans which says: “Therefore, just as sin
came into the world through one man, and death came through sin…” is false. Even
if sin would have come into the world through one man, death didn’t come through
sin but had emerged before the apparition of human beings on Earth. According to
the book of Genesis, plants were created on the third day and animals on the
sixth day before the creation of humankind, hence plants and animals died before
the apparition of humankind on Earth. From the scientific point of view, fossils
of dead animals which were discovered are millions of years old, hence they are
dated before the emergence of first human beings on our planet. There
are insects which live only few hours, such as some species of mayflies. These
types of insects, being created by God, would have died before the creation of
humankind and their Fall. Other insects or worms would have died in accidental
deaths, being swallowed or crushed by dinosaurs or by other animals. In the
waters, large animals such as whales would have swallowed a huge amount of small
fish, killing them before the creation of humankind and its disobedience to God.
On the land, predators would have started to prey on other animals before the
human beings’ Fall, hence death would have been present from the beginning on
the entire planet Earth. At the same time, viruses and bacteria which would have
provoked fatal illnesses would have taken their toll. The idea that death
entered the creation only after Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God is a
theological construction with no basis in reality. Death
didn’t enter into the world through humankind’s sin but through the presence of
life on Earth. Where there is life there is also death starting with the
simplest micro-organisms. Whoever had created the universe is also responsible
for death, and death is destruction, and from this point of view is a necessary
evil. It isn’t that death comes from evil but rather evil comes from death.
Criminals who kill people as a means to get personal benefits are an evil coming
from the existence of death.
Even in the
context of the book of Genesis, Adam and Eve’s disobedience is connected to the
existence of death, without which they couldn’t have been tested by God. Keeping
the framework of the legend, death would have existed before human beings’ Fall
as a necessary condition for it. In
a theistic evolution view the evil must be seen as being intrinsic to the
process of creation because death is inevitable for evolution. This is the only
view in which there isn’t any contradiction between God’s existence and the
presence of evil in the world. Evil is a necessary condition of the creation
through evolution. It wasn’t the so-called free will of humankind that caused
evil in the world because due to lack of knowledge of good and evil, Adam and
Eve didn’t have any free will. In the real world, evolution comes as a necessary
battle between good and evil inherent in the existence of all beings. As
a matter of fact, death is an important part of evolution. When a certain
individual dies another better individual of the same species, a more adapted
one to the conditions of the environment, takes the place of the previous one.
Even entire species can disappear completely when all its individuals die and
another species takes their place. For example, the death of the dinosaurs
generated the premises for the apparition of other more evolved species which
finally ended in the apparition of humankind. Death is a natural and necessary
thing for the apparition of more evolved species and if God had created the
natural world He accepted death and consequently evil as a means for His
creation, not as a punishment. God isn’t responsible for the existence of evil
because evil comes from death and suffering, but without the existence of death
the biological life, at least at a less evolved level, it isn’t possible. The
existence of death in the universe isn’t the consequence of a moral fault but
the effect of the existence of life which necessarily presupposes death.
Humankind doesn’t need to be redeemed for their inexistent original sin and
death is a natural phenomenon which probably can be overcome in the future
through natural means. Apostle
Paul said that the price for sin is death. Nevertheless, human beings die for
eternity not because Adam and Eve sinned but because humankind is mortal.
Eternal life seems to be a gift which comes for selected people in a
supernatural way. Death is the norm and
everlasting life is the exception.
The problem in
Apostle Paul’s theology is that he maintains that the faith in Jesus is enough
for salvation because this is a procedure which compensates Adam’s Fall, which
infected all of humankind even if a majority of human beings are not directly
responsible for the Fall. With the lack of Adam and Eve’s real Fall, this
mechanism for salvation doesn’t work automatically in compensation for the Fall,
hence beside faith a spiritual birth is also absolutely necessary for salvation
as Jesus said. Faith alone isn’t enough for salvation if it isn’t doubled with a
real regeneration because Adam didn’t bring death into the creation and
salvation isn’t a free gift which compensates God’s harsh punishment of Adam and
Eve. Salvation is a reward for a real transformation of individual lives. Faith
without works is dead. (James 2; 17) If
death doesn’t come as a logical consequence of sin but as a natural thing,
immortality is an exception and comes as a gift from God for people who can live
without sin. It is about a very new situation unnatural for human beings. “But
the free gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died through the one
man’s trespass, much more surely have the grace of God and the free gift in the
grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, abounded for the many.” Immortality
is possible not because someone believes that the story of Adam and Eve is real,
but because someone can attain high spiritual standards. Jesus has come not to
reverse what Adam did because Adam never existed on Earth, but to be a model of
a personal relationship with God. The
human beings appeared on Earth through evolution from less evolved beings and
rationality constitutes the main difference between us and our previous stages
of evolution. The Logos is God and rational existence and consciousness is
another level of existence more evolved than the biological type. God is
Consciousness and a person is as close to Him as the height of his or her
consciousness. To be conscious is the peremptory condition for any kind of
improvement because without seeing his or her weaknesses none can fight against
them. The
biological existence is a condition of the existence of human consciousness but
the latter achieves a certain independence from the former and sometime is even
able to be opposed to the biological support,
for example during a fast.
The abstinence
from food is against the biological laws of the functioning of a human body but
is a manifestation of the relative independence of consciousness from its
biological support. Religions usually profess a development of the human
consciousness against human biological instincts. The Supreme Consciousness is
God and He wants to absorb us in His infinite existence. To
be a spiritual person can also mean to be able to rise above the limited views
determined by his or her personal interests and to enter into unity with the
universal Consciousness who is a Person and who integrates all consciousness in
a harmonious spiritual concert. The biological side doesn’t disappear but it
transposes in more elevated attitudes. The
first human beings when they evolved from other biological beings were as mortal
as the entities from which they evolved. Jesus had come to address mortality for
people who wanted to be immortal but this is another level of evolution and not
a comeback to an alleged original state which would be that of Adam and Eve.
After all, eternal life doesn’t mean reaching the level of ignorance of Adam and
Eve but a very high level of knowledge. It isn’t the ignorance of the good and
evil which is able to save someone but quite the opposite. In
order for anyone to become immortal he or she must know the difference between
good and evil and this observation raises a question about the value of the
story of the creation from the book of Genesis. The serpent in the context of
the myth had given Adam and Eve the path for reaching the tree of life and that
road is precisely the knowledge of the difference between good and evil. In
other words, the first 11 chapters from the book of Genesis say something very
different from what the official Christian doctrine affirms. Eating from the
tree of knowledge would have been a necessary condition in order to attain
eternal life because none can live eternally without choosing the good against
the evil, therefore without knowing the difference between good and evil. If
Jesus had come to Earth to show us how to become immortal, and if He has shown
us how to discern between good and evil, the logical consequence of that would
be that without the knowledge of good and evil given by Him none can be
immortal. In point of fact, the way toward immortality in the book of Genesis is
a very tortuous one.
The rational path
wouldn’t have been the one in which the eating from the tree of knowledge would
have been avoided, because consuming from that tree would have been a necessary
preparation for eternity. Because
evil comes from death, in their spiritual ignorance people cannot but follow
evil found in their mortal nature, and in order to follow the spiritual good
every human being has to be born again. (John 3; 3-6) Without the ability to
discern the spiritual good from the spiritual evil none can be saved and none
can be immortal. In other words, a Christian view implies that eating from the
tree of knowledge of good and evil would have been a necessary condition for
human immortality because choosing good against evil is the emblem of any
faithful person.Being like God means knowing the difference between good and
evil and unless someone has this ability to discern between the two, that person
isn’t in His likeness. In the book of Genesis achieving the likeness of God by
knowing the difference between good and evil wasn’t a good thing because after
obtaining the likeness He forbade them to eat from the tree of life. This is
contradictory if the knowledge of good and evil is an unavoidable step toward a
higher moral standard necessary to attain immortality. In the Bible, the
knowledge of good and evil is seen as being sometimes good and sometimes wrong,
and this is the sign of a certain inconsistency. The
idea that obeying God’s command in the Garden of Eden would have meant a
shortcut which would have made unnecessary the knowledge of the difference
between good and evil is strange. It implies that God would have always replaced
the consciousness of humankind and He would have made human beings nothing more
than robots. Human beings would have needed Him to tell them what is good and
what is evil all the time. Such entitles who would have needed approval for all
their actions would have been far from human, in the way that we understand
humankind. Not
being tested through God’s command regarding the prohibition of the fruit of the
tree of knowledge, Adam and Eve could have chosen the evil at any time rather
than the good, without knowing it. In heaven God needs people able to discern
between good and evil therefore the path followed by Adam and Eve was a
necessary one.
The problem of death before human disobedience to God is an important
theological problem and this is acknowledged by the representatives of the
classical theism. The following quotation expresses this issue: fossil
record, theistic evolutionists believe that many creatures lived, died, and
became extinct long before man’s belated arrival. This means that death existed
before Adam and his sin.”[1] The
theistic evolution view is the only one which exonerates God of His
responsibility for the existence of evil and that is because He couldn’t create
through evolution in another way than He did. As a matter of fact, God didn’t
directly create humankind but he had created all the necessary conditions for
the apparition of human beings following a long process of evolution. During
this very long process God could have intervened in human development
particularly through His presence in human history. His main intervention is His
presence in the Person of Jesus. God
didn’t create an ideal world without death and suffering as Apostle Paul
understood it, and human beings didn’t spoil that world through their
disobedience, but He had created a perfectible world in which evolution isn’t
only biological but is also moral. Some people choose to go on this path of
increased evolution when they choose to be born again from God and after being
preponderant biological beings they become spiritually coordinated human beings. The
story of Adam and Eve is confusing because it seems to condemn the only way
through which someone can be a superior being, and that is the way of the
knowledge of good and evil. The path toward eternity goes necessarily through
the capability to discern the difference between good and evil, and the biblical
texts which condemn that knowledge are nonsensical.
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