The narratives
of the creation of humankind are also marred by contradictions between Genesis
chapter 1 and Genesis chapter 2. When was man created? Two biblical texts
dispute among them the moment of creation of humankind. In Genesis chapter 1,
humankind was created after the creation of animals but in Genesis chapter 2,
man was created before the creation of animals and woman after their creation.
These are the biblical texts:
Genesis 1:
“26 Then God
said, ‘Let us make humankind* in our image, according to our likeness; and let
them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and
over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth,* and over every
creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.’ 27 So God created humankind* in his
image, in the image of God he created them;* male and female he created them.”
(Genesis 1; 26-27 NRSV)
Genesis 2:
“In the day
that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, when … 7then the LORD God
formed man from the dust of the ground,* and breathed into his nostrils the
breath of life; and the man became a living being.” (Genesis 2; 4-7 abbreviated
In Genesis
chapter 2, man had been formed on Earth in the beginning of creation but in
Genesis chapter 1 he was created together with woman at the end, on day six.
Even if the creation story in Genesis chapter 2 isn’t divided in sequences or
days of creation one can suppose that the entire story took some time and
wouldn’t have been consumed in only one day, if by day one should understand a
24-hour day. If we consider the huge number of animal species existing on Earth,
naming them by man would have taken more than a 24-hour day. There are radical
differences between Genesis chapter 1 and Genesis chapter 2 about when the man
was created and where he had to live immediately after his creation.
Even if in
Genesis chapter 2 the man created by God was established in the Garden of Eden
immediately after his creation, in Genesis chapter 1 humankind had dominion over
“the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing
that moves upon the earth”. How could humankind exercise dominion over the whole
earth if they were destined to dwell in the Garden of Eden? The two stories
contradict each other. Humankind was destined in Genesis chapter 1 to live on
the entire earth but in Genesis chapter 2 to live in the Garden of Eden.
The special dwelling for humankind on Earth, the paradise, would have been the
Garden of Eden, and living there forever would have been their initial fate. But
if they followed that happy destiny they wouldn’t have had the opportunity to
exercise dominion over the entire earth. In other words, disobedience to God
about the tree of knowledge would have been a necessary condition for humankind
to be able to exercise dominion over the fauna of the entire earth because
obedience would have meant an eternal life in the earthly paradise. If
disobedience to God was the condition to respect His command in connection with
dominion over the animals, the messages of the narratives of creation from the
book of Genesis are inconsistent.
In Genesis
chapter 1, humankind had to fill the earth as a task given by God but in Genesis
chapter 2 the life outside the Garden of Eden was a punishment and not a
blessing. God blessed human beings, sending them to multiply and to fill the
entire earth in chapter 1, and He cursed them, sending them to live on the
entire surface of the earth when they had been thrown out from the Garden of
Eden, in chapter 2. This is a discrepancy which devalues both stories of
creation from the book of Genesis.
In Genesis
chapter 1, human beings had to eat “every plant yielding seed that is upon the
face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit” and all these
plants were found uncultivated by man in nature but in Genesis chapter 3 human
beings would have fed from agriculture in very heavy conditions.
“17 And to the
man* he said, ‘Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have
eaten of the tree about which I commanded you, “You shall not eat of it”, cursed
is the ground because of you; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your
18 thorns and
thistles it shall bring forth for you; and you shall eat the plants of the
field.” (Genesis 3; 17-18 NRSV)
In what way
would the curse of God have changed His initial indications? Do we have to
understand that after the curse man couldn’t have eaten uncultivated plants or
fruits, but only cultivated plants? Why bother cultivating the land in the epoch
when there were only two people on the earth and so many uncultivated vegetation
good for food was available? According to Genesis chapter 1 the fruit trees had
been created on the entire surface of the earth. God’s curse from Genesis
chapter 2 is based on the assumption that fruit trees would have been created
only in the Garden of Eden, but this presupposition is categorically denied by
Genesis chapter 1 in which fruits were available on the entire earth.
If plants for
eating grew everywhere uncultivated, Adam didn’t need to cultivate plants for
his family and the commandment from Genesis 3 is absurd unless all uncultivated
plants would have been rendered unfit for human consumption, for example if they
would have become poisonous, but the latter proposition is absurd.
None had
established and none had enforced the prohibition of eating those uncultivated
plants, according to the book of Genesis. Such prohibition was organised only in
connection with the tree of life. The curse regarding human nutrition after the
Fall seems to be nonsensical as far as the fruit trees and other nutritious
vegetables would have existed not only in the Garden of Eden but on the entire
surface of the earth.
In Genesis
chapter 1 all uncultivated plants good for food would have been created on the
entire surface of the earth, therefore once Adam and Eve were thrown out from
the Garden of Eden they didn’t need to change their feeding habits. They could
have found in nature outside the Garden the same food as consumed by them in the
Garden. From the beginning, God had given to humankind as food “every plant
yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed
in its fruit.” Taking this into consideration, after the exit from the Garden of
Eden Adam and Eve could have returned to this food which was plentiful on Earth
without the need to cultivate the ground.
“11 Then God
said, ‘Let the earth put forth vegetation: plants yielding seed, and fruit trees
of every kind on earth that bear fruit with the seed in it.’ And it was so. 12
The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and
trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was
good. 13 And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.” (Genesis
1; 11-13 NRSV)
In these
verses the entire earth had to put forth vegetation but in the following ones
God would have determined the apparition of plants only in the Garden of Eden:
“8 And the
LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east; and there he put the man whom he
had formed. 9 Out of the ground the LORD God made to grow every tree that is
pleasant to the sight and good for food, the tree of life also in the midst of
the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” (Genesis 2; 8-9
cultivation of plants for food is seen in Genesis 3 as a curse but in Genesis 2
man was placed in the Garden of Eden to do just that, to till the ground, before
the Fall. In other words, before and after the Fall Adam had the same
occupation. What sense would a curse which didn’t change anything have had? In
the Garden man had to eat fruits but in Genesis chapter 1 he had to eat all
plants. If one considers that fruits were not a limitation and man could have
eaten plants in the Garden also, tilling the ground was an identical occupation
both inside and outside of the Garden.
What was the
object of the curse? Was all the land in the Garden fertile but all the land
outside the Garden infertile? It is hard to accept such an unrealistic
assertion. The valleys of Tigris and of Euphrates were doubtlessly very fertile
and a “paradise” for their inhabitants, but it wasn’t the only such earthly
“paradise” because the valleys of the Nile and of other rivers were also
“paradises” for human beings. In the valley of the Nile, the land being fertile,
God’s curse of the earth never was realised. In many places on the earth human
beings would have managed to avoid the effects of God’s alleged curse of the
ground and they could use the ground in a productive way.
thorns and thistle would have existed after the creation of plants on many areas
of the earth before Adam and Eve’s Fall, but that couldn’t prevent humankind
from obtaining good agricultural productions. When were thorns and thistle
created if not on the third day of the creation? Are we allowed to infer that
thorns and thistles evolved from other species of plants when surveying the
perspectives of creationism? The book of Genesis indicates only the third day
for the creation of plants.
The literal creationism is inconsistent with its own opinions. Either God
created all species of plants or the species evolved from one to another. Plants
with thorns and plants without thorns are usually different species of plants.
To guess that God would have created plants with thorns and thistle after the
third day, meaning after Adam and Eve’s Fall, is contrary to the texts of the
book of Genesis chapter 1 hence the book of Genesis contradicts its own
Adam and Eve’s
sins didn’t happen within the first six days of the creation, but sometime after
that because everything was very good at the end of the creation. Nevertheless,
if Satan’s revolt in “heavens” already happened in the creation because
“heavens” were a part of the created world, God’s creation wasn’t as good as the
Bible says.
Again, there
are two different stories, in one of them God had asked human beings from the
moment of their creation to fill the earth and in the other one filling the
earth was not a blessing but a collateral consequence of the human Fall. In
order to fill the earth the first human beings had to leave the Garden of Eden.
“16 To the
woman he said, ‘I will greatly increase your pangs in childbearing; in pain you
shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he
shall rule over you.’ (Genesis 3; 16 NRSV)
Filling the
earth would have been impossible if Adam and Eve obeyed God and would have
remained forever in the Garden of Eden. Genesis chapter 1 and 2 gives each of
them another purpose for the creation of humankind. The former sees humankind as
multiplying and occupying the entire earth but the latter understands humankind
as destined to live forever in the Garden of Eden. Living in the Garden was
something beneficial as opposed to quitting the Garden which was a punishment,
but this penalty was the only chance to fulfil the human fate established in
Genesis chapter 1.
If God initially had established man in the Garden of Eden, which was delimited
from the rest of the earth, why did He give to mankind as food, according to
Genesis chapter 1, every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the
earth, an area much more extended than the Garden of Eden? It is not a rational
proposition. Either God had established human beings in the Garden of Eden
according to Genesis chapter 2 from the beginning, or He had given them dominion
over the whole earth and as food all the plants on the planet, as Genesis
chapter 1 says. The two versions contradict each other.
The Garden of
Eden would have been created before Adam and Eve’s Fall, according to Genesis
chapter 2, even if the entire earth was similar to the Garden of Eden, peaceful
and inhabited only by herbivores, according to Genesis chapter 1. Being without
sin the entire earth would have been a paradise filled with fruit trees and
other plants. Why build a Garden in a place like a garden? There wouldn’t have
been any need for the Garden of Eden if the nature on Earth was created as
Genesis chapter 1 sets forth.
This is a
clear discrepancy between Genesis chapter 1 and chapter 2. In Genesis chapter 1
the entire earth would have been a Garden of Eden but in Genesis chapter 2 only
a limited area of the surface of the earth would have been reserved for the
In the first
story of creation the entire earth would have been destined as a dwelling place
for humankind from the beginning of creation, and they had to multiply and to
fill the entire earth, and that would have been a blessing. In the second story
of creation, multiplying and filling the earth by humankind would have been the
effect of a curse and would have happened in a hostile world.
If humankind
initially would have been destined to live only in the Garden why did God create
fruit trees all over the earth before the Fall? The impression generated by
Genesis chapter 2 is that man and woman were created to live in the Garden of
Eden forever and only after the Fall they had to leave the earthly paradise and
dwell in other places on Earth. Only if God had known previous to their creation
that humankind would be disobedient would He have created plants all over the
earth to be used by human beings after their Fall.
A much more
realistic explanation is the one given by science in which the apparition of
life happened on the entire surface of the earth when the right conditions were
in place. The biological forms of life have evolved and they have started to
occupy the marine environment, the dry land, and air. The story of the Garden of
Eden is the reflection of human understanding in the most incipient phase of
human civilization, having nothing to do with reality.
It is not
debatable if Adam and Eve would have had the ability to have children before the
Fall, but the question is whether we have any arguments to maintain that they
would have had children or not. It is worth quoting the following opinion:
“So I think
there is a pretty solid line of evidence that Adam and Eve did have children
before the Fall, even if Cain and Abel (or Cain and a twin sister) were the only
In my view,
Adam and Eve aren’t real personages but only mythological ones, therefore the
problem related to their children is only a hypothetical issue. At the same time
the book of Genesis doesn’t state if Adam and Eve would have had children before
the Fall, even if this information is important from the point of view of their
attitude toward God. If the children of Adam and Eve were real, would they have
disobeyed God and eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil or not? The
question is important being that all human beings have their individual
personality. For example, Abel was a positive character from the point of view
of his attitude to God. Would he also have disobeyed God by eating from the tree
of knowledge if he had been in the situation to choose? If he had disobeyed God
he couldn’t have been considered a righteous man as allegedly he was deemed to
be. The point is that the book of Genesis tells us that even if Adam and Eve had
disobeyed God, their child Abel was a righteous person.
It is
undisputable that being depicted as standard human beings by the Bible, Adam and
Eve could have had children before the Fall, but the book of Genesis doesn’t say
anything about children before the Fall. This brings one to the conclusion that
Adam and Eve’s temptation happened immediately after their creation.
The existence
of children and at the same time living in the Garden of Eden forever is a
contradiction given the limited space of the Garden and the multiplication of
the human races. Sooner or later human beings would have needed to leave the
paradise and to live on the entire earth. If mankind, being obedient to God, had
multiplied only in the Garden of Eden, at a certain point the Garden would have
become overcrowded. That could have been a very strange situation; the Garden
being overcrowded but the rest of the earth being unpopulated with human beings.
No feasible solution to this conundrum appears. Living outside the Garden was a
punishment and living inside the Garden forever would have been impossible for
so many human beings.
Humankind was asked by God to be fruitful and multiply therefore failing or not,
due to an important increase in population after a certain period of time, human
beings would have left the Garden of Eden and would have lived on the entire
Without being driven by God outside the Garden, human beings would have left it
anyway, the place being too small for the entire human population developing in
time. This is a detail which is important if one wants to see the inconsistency
of the book of Genesis. Genesis chapter 1, in which humankind had to multiply
and had dominion over the entire earth, doesn’t correspond to the Garden of Eden
if human beings had multiplied according to their nature. The presumption that
Adam and Eve wouldn’t have multiplied if they had been obedient to God and would
have abided in the Garden of Eden eternally without offspring, is irrational and
is contradicted even by the Bible.
“24 Therefore
a man leaves his father and his mother and clings to his wife, and they become
one flesh.” (Genesis 2; 24 NRSV)
In Genesis
chapter 1 human multiplication was a blessing but in Genesis chapter 2,
multiplication inevitably equated with a punishment because in the end it would
have led to the leaving of the Garden of Eden by many human beings.
Another difference between Genesis chapter 1 and chapter 2 is that the woman in
chapter 2 is the reflection of man, but in chapter 1 she is the reflection of
God. If woman had been made from the beginning in the image of God as Genesis
chapter 1 says, she is not the reflexion of man but of Him. If woman was taken
from man’s rib she is just a helper of man and she was created mainly for him.
In point of fact, both man and woman are helpers for each other and the concept
of woman being more a helper for man than man a helper for woman, is absurd.
This also is a very important inconsistency which generated incredible
inequalities in human history.
According to
Genesis chapter 2, all animals were made in pairs but only man was created
alone. This is very strange. God knew what kind of helper each animal needed and
created them accordingly, but He wouldn’t have known what kind of helper man
needed. God would have tried to find a helper for man only after He created him.
He wouldn’t have known initially that man also would have needed his pair. God
would have created man alone and after that He would have tried to find a helper
for him within the ranks of animals. That is the message given by Genesis
chapter 2 but not by Genesis chapter 1.
This is of
course a legend, because God cannot be as ignorant as chapter 2 says. Genesis
chapter 2 tried to explain and to justify why man and woman were unequal in
ancient societies. The status of women makes an important difference between
Genesis chapter 1 and chapter 2.
Genesis chapter 5 uses the same formula used by God when He created mankind in
chapter 1: “he became the father of a son in his likeness, according to his
image”. This formula opens the way for a new understanding of the book of
Genesis chapter 1. God is not the majestic Being, aloof from His creation, He is
the father of mankind in a similar way to that in which Adam was the father of
“3 When Adam
had lived for one hundred and thirty years, he became the father of a son in his
likeness, according to his image, and named him Seth. 4 The days of Adam after
he became the father of Seth were eight hundred years; and he had other sons and
daughters.” (Genesis 5; 3-4 NRSV)
God is Adam’s
extra-terrestrial Father and Adam is Seth’s terrestrial father, both sons
bearing the likeness and therefore the image of their parents. Probably God was
seen by the author of Genesis chapter 1 as a celestial-like human being who
created all that is. This is the real innovation brought about by the book of
Genesis chapter 1; man is not created by strange deities as other religions
would maintain, man is created by another man, but a different man, an
All-powerful and creative Man.
Apostle Paul
set forth in one of his epistles:
“7 For a man
ought not to have his head veiled, since he is the image and reflection* of God;
but woman is the reflection* of man.” (1 Corinthians 11; 7 NRSV)
Apostle Paul
was incorrect both in relation to Genesis chapter 2 and in connection to Genesis
chapter 1. Genesis chapter 1 declares plainly that woman was made in the image
and likeness of God together with man. Apparently Genesis chapter 2 opens the
door for a different understanding but the image of God or His likeness
would have been out of limits for human beings in chapter 2.
Humankind was
punished for wanting to be like God, meaning in His likeness or after His image
by knowing the good and the evil as He does. Only when human beings ate from the
tree of knowledge, contrary to God’s command, did they become like Him,
therefore it wasn’t His will that humankind be like Him:
“22 Then the
LORD God said, ‘See, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil;
and now, he might reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and
eat, and live for ever’— 23 therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the
garden of Eden, to till the ground from which he was taken.” (Genesis 3; 22-23
In Genesis
chapter 2 the pursuit of the likeness of God was considered a sin. It doesn’t
make any rational sense to prohibit knowledge which is in the nature of things
and which is good for humankind. If human beings were really made in the image
of God in Genesis chapter 1 why were they prohibited to be like Him by knowing
good and evil in Genesis chapter 2? To me this is a very important contradiction
and an essential difference in theology between Genesis chapter 1 and chapter 2.
If human
beings were the reflection of God before their Fall as stated in Genesis chapter
1 they didn’t need the knowledge of good and evil in order to be like Him, as
Genesis chapter 2 declares, they would have had the knowledge of good and evil
from the beginning. It was impossible to be, at the same time, in God’s likeness
as Genesis chapter 1 pretends but not knowing the difference between good and
evil, according to chapter 2. God knows the difference between good and evil and
this moral knowledge is decisive for someone who is said to be like Him. If
human beings really were in the likeness of God before the Fall they would have
known the difference between good and evil and they would have been able to
choose easily the good against the evil.
At the same
time, even after the Fall humankind wasn’t like God but they were sinful, unlike
Him in spite that they had eaten from the tree of good and evil, and that is
contrary to what Genesis chapter 2 says. They still didn’t become like Him
because they became sinful. This was a predicament impossible to be avoided by
the first human beings.
To become like
God, knowing good and evil but being sinful, or remaining obedient to Him but
not being like Him in lack of the knowledge of good and evil.
In Genesis
chapter 2 God didn’t want human beings to be like Him, knowing good and evil.
This is another contradiction between Genesis chapter 1 and chapter 2. If God
wanted a real likeness between Him and humankind He wouldn’t have prevented
human beings eating from the tree of knowledge and knowing the difference
between good and evil. In the lack of this knowledge human beings couldn’t have
been in the likeness of God therefore the book of Genesis chapter 1 is wrong in
saying that He created humankind like Him. According to Genesis chapter 2, God
didn’t create humankind in His likeness, it became like Him only by disobeying
Him. There is a huge difference in the way in which Genesis chapter 1 and
chapter 2 understand the likeness of God.
In Genesis
chapter 2, each animal was formed from the ground and man also was created from
the dust of the ground. What is the difference between creation from the dust of
the earth and out of the ground, the manner in which man would have been created
and animals were created? There is not such difference. Man got the breath of
life from God but obviously the animals also had to get the breath of life
directly from Him. The omission of the expression breath of life for animals
doesn’t bring anything extra to the creation of man. Without breath of life
animals would have remained only ground.
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