If Adam and Eve aren’t real personages but legendary ones none can
be condemned eternally to suffer a punishment in hell because he or she doesn’t
believe the factuality of the stories of creation from the Bible. It is
unacceptable for someone to be punished for rejecting the alleged facticity of a
lie. From the point of view of historical facts, a myth isn’t the truth and
everyone has the right to know through science how things really were.
The classical theism maintains that we should believe that Adam and
Eve were historical personages and we should also believe all religious
consequences of this assertion. We should believe that Adam and Eve had
disobeyed God’s command and for this reason they would have been punished with
death. We can believe in the cross for its moral value based on the sacrificial
love even if we don’t believe in the need to be redeemed for the consequences of
Adam and Eve’s sins.
We are sometimes told that if we don’t believe what organised
religion considers the truth we can be damned forever. This doesn’t seem to be
right and the reason is that we shouldn’t be forced to believe that a legend is
a true story. Nobody should be forced to believe a doctrine or dogma based on a
literal interpretation of the creation myths from the book of Genesis.
Regarding the texts of the O.T. we are facing two possibilities.
Either we consider many of the stories from the O.T. the results of human
imagination in which God is depicted in a misleading way, or the O.T is the
authentic image of God. In the O.T. God is presented other than the way in which
He was described by Jesus. One finds in the narratives of the N.T. that Jesus
revealed the Father as being the personification of unconditional love, but
according to some texts of the O.T., He did many things which don’t express such
If the real image of God is the one which can be found in the N.T.
and if God is perfect and He loves even His enemies as Jesus has said, then in
the O.T. we cannot find Him. God in the O.T. hates His enemies and seeks their
destruction. The story with Joshua and Jericho is relevant to this issue.
“21 Then they devoted to destruction by the edge of the
sword all in the city, both men and women, young and old, oxen, sheep, and
donkeys.” (Joshua 6; 21 NRSV)
Another example is the story which maintains that Saul had been
sent to destroy an entire nation, even the animals, and that couldn’t have been
an action commanded by God who loves His enemies.
In the times of the O.T. God didn’t practice
genocide only once with the occasion of the Flood, but several times. The excuse
found by some religious devotees is that all those nations had been constituted
of sinners. We shouldn’t forget that all the so-called sinners were people like
anyone else in that age. God didn’t announce His Law amongst those people and He
didn’t perform miracles in their midst so He couldn’t have had any pretension
for purity from them.
“21 ‘Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the deeds
of power done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented
long ago in sackcloth and ashes.” (Mathew 11; 21 NRSV)
God didn’t perform those miracles in Tyre and
Sidon therefore He didn’t have any basis to expect repentance from them. In
spite of that, Tyre was a target for God and it suffered numerous disastrous
“The oracle concerning Tyre. Wail, O ships of Tarshish, for your
fortress is destroyed.* When they came in from Cyprus they learned of it.”
(Isaiah 23; 1 NRSV)
Some devotees would say that only the Jewish people had been chosen
by God and had a covenant with Him, and all the other nations of the world
Even if the Jewish people had a covenant with God they were
nevertheless disobedient to Him many times, probably not much less than
other human beings.
The whole story
is based on the presumption of the existence in reality of Adam and Eve who,
being disobedient to God, have given Him the right to judge and condemn
everyone, including any nation. God could have decided to destroy a certain
nation on the basis that the alleged first human beings would have sinned and
through them all human beings were sinners. According to the Bible the price for
sin is death. (Romans 6; 23)
If we admit the real existence of Adam and Eve there are strong
theological consequences and one of them is that all human beings deserve to die
in God’s eyes. If they deserve to die there is only one more step toward the
admission of eternal hell.
If God didn’t create Adam and Eve He isn’t responsible for the
human condition but He can, if He wants to, grant eternal life to anyone He
wills. God doesn’t need to do anything for humankind’s salvation because He
didn’t create human beings, but He can elect some people for eternal life. The
people who will not be elect will die because human beings are mortal, but there
isn’t any need for them to suffer for eternity in hell.
In the O.T. God doesn’t express Himself as love on too many
occasions. God is seen as a disciplinarian that uses tough methods against many
Anyone who reads the following text or many other texts about what
God had asked Jewish people to do will be very puzzled about His character and
His unconditional love.
“6 Cut down old men, young men and young women, little children and
women, but touch no one who has the mark. And begin at my sanctuary.’ So they
began with the elders who were in front of the house. 7 Then he said to them,
‘Defile the house, and fill the courts with the slain. Go!’ So they went out and
killed in the city. 8 While they were killing, and I was left alone, I fell
prostrate on my face and cried out, ‘Ah Lord GOD! will you destroy all who
remain of Israel as you pour out your wrath upon Jerusalem?’ 9 He said to me,
‘The guilt of the house of Israel and Judah is exceedingly great; the land is
full of bloodshed and the city full of perversity; for they say, “The LORD has
forsaken the land, and the LORD does not see.” 10 As for me, my eye will not
spare, nor will I have pity, but I will bring down their deeds upon their
heads.’” (Ezekiel 9; 6-10 NRSV)
Probably “the land was full with bloodshed and the city was full of
perversity” but we expect from God not to add to such bloodshed. God could have
done that but this doesn’t have anything to do with a loving Father who loves
His enemies. It isn’t about punishing the personal guilt of some individuals but
it is about indiscriminate killing. What guilt could the little children have
had? They could have had none. There isn’t any justification for the killing of
little children and if God had ordered such a thing this would cast doubt on His
righteousness. I am persuaded that God didn’t do that and that He is love, and
my conviction goes against what the Bible says in Ezekiel chapter 9. In order to
believe that God is love one has to evade many texts from the O.T. My conviction
is based on how Jesus described God. The text in Ezekiel 9; 6-10, is in
contradiction with the following text:
“20 The person who sins shall die. A child shall not suffer for the
iniquity of a parent, nor a parent suffers for the iniquity of a child; the
righteousness of the righteous shall be his own, and the wickedness of the
wicked shall be his own.” (Ezekiel 18; 20 NRSV)
The biblical texts are very confusing and sometimes children
respond for the sins of their parents and sometimes don’t. There are many such
examples in the O.T. which would legitimate the idea that God in the O.T. and in
the N.T. are two different Persons. In the N.T. we have many texts about God’s
loving character, so much so that He is identified with love:
“8 Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.” (1
John 4; 8 NRSV)
If God can be known by a human being who loves another human being,
such an individual finds it hard to understand how God being a Person who loves
and moreover who is love, can kill so indiscriminately so many human beings. It
is true that one cannot know which part of the Bible presents the real God and
if it is the O.T. or the N.T. For the Christians, the N.T. and its image of God
are paramount
but for the Jews the O.T. is the most important.
At the same time
the two parts of the Bible contradict each other greatly about how God is.
One can either choose to have a Gnostic view on the O.T. or to disregard
many stories from it, considering them human inventions having the purpose to
justify the fate of the Jewish people through supernatural means. That would be
similar to finding supernatural explanations to natural things in other cases,
for example in the domain of cosmology.
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