If one doesn’t take the first 11 chapters from the book of Genesis
to be literally real he or she is entitled to have doubts about the reality of
other parts of the Bible also. One doesn’t need to become Gnostic in order to
explain the profound inconsistencies between the O.T. and the N.T. Looking to
the O.T. as a compilation of many exaggerations does the same thing. How can one
be sure that the history of the Jewish people as it is depicted by the O.T. is
real if the story about the creation of the world isn’t real? No-one can gain
such assurance from the Bible and particularly when he or she tries to compare
the image of God in the O.T. and in the N.T.
Many problems arise from this comparison. One of them is the
problem of the existence of hell. How can a generous and loving God punish
anyone with eternal hell for an action which took place on Earth? Every human
being on Earth leaves under specific conditions and has to fight for his or her
survival, hence punishing someone for his or her innate instincts of survival
out of the context of life on Earth is absurd.
Any punishment that we get on Earth has to consider the human
condition and also has to have a limit taking into consideration that human
beings are mortal and live under a finite perspective.
All things which are done in the finite dimension of reality have
to be judged in that dimension, and bad deeds have to be punished accordingly.
Punishing a human person with eternal hell for mistakes made in a finite life on
Earth is preposterous.
We are not eternal beings who live eternal lives, or at least many human beings
don’t believe that we are. Building any doctrine on the premise of human
immortality without any proof that we are immortal and accepting as rational the
condemnation of human beings to an eternal punishment for their earthly
mistakes, or even more for their unbelief in God, are very dangerous principles.
Even if one doesn’t believe in immortality he or she will be punished with hell
if eternal life really exists. Why should one be punished for something which
doesn’t exist for him or her? This doesn’t make sense. One should be punished
only for his or her mistakes which are connected with tangible realities or at
least with his or her faith.
People make many mistakes sometimes with good
intentions and they are mostly punished for them during their life on Earth.
After suffering the consequences of their wrongdoings on Earth human beings
would have to pay again a very high price for them, being punished for the
second time for the same deeds with eternal hell. After a life of many problems
and sometimes sufferance on Earth many sinners would be deemed unworthy for
heaven and doomed to hell according to the classical theistic view on
Christianity. This double jeopardy is unacceptable and if God can do what He
wants, being stronger than humankind, this by itself doesn’t make things right.
Even a child born in another religion than the Christian one, or in
an atheist family and who died before attaining full discernment and maturity of
thinking, would be punished for eternity and that for only 14 or 15 years lived
on Earth. In the narratives of the O.T. many innocent children have died
following divine actions. If all stories from the O.T. are as accurate as the
first 11 chapters of the book of Genesis, it wasn’t God killing those children
but human imagination.
In any case, children from another religion than the Christian one
or born into an atheist family would be considered by many Christian followers
to be doomed to hell anyway if those children didn’t become adult Christians. It
would be the fault of their parents for keeping them far from Christian baptism.
Only Jesus is considered to be the Way toward salvation and there
isn’t another way for eternity. It isn’t only about the name Jesus but more
importantly is about the content of His teachings. Jesus taught humankind a set
of principles which must be practiced, not only professed theoretically.
What would be
better for salvation, to be a Christian only by the name or to practice Jesus’
teachings without the name Christian attached to the person? Jesus’s teachings
are universal and they become effective when someone becomes a loving and
spiritual person with or without allegiance to a certain religious institution,
religious doctrine, or dogma. This universality of Jesus’ teachings makes them
valid for anyone who practices them.
There are many texts in the Bible which can bring us to the
conclusion that hell isn’t a real place in which the sinners would spend their
eternity. God said that He had set in front of the Jewish people the life and
the death, and He advised them to choose life:
“19 I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I
have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Choose life so that
you and your descendants may live, 20 loving the LORD your God, obeying him, and
holding fast to him; for that means life to you and length of days, so that you
may live in the land that the LORD swore to give to your ancestors, to Abraham,
to Isaac, and to Jacob.” (Deuteronomy 30; 19-20 NRSV)
The text doesn’t contain the principles of eternal life or eternal
death. In the N.T. a new alternative appears and that is eternal life in heaven
and eternity lived in hell. In order for anyone to suffer eternally in hell he
or she must receive an indestructible body after the resurrection able to suffer
these torments. What kind of body would be one which is capable of suffering
infinite torments without being destroyed? The sufferings in a body are signs
that a certain body goes toward destruction and finally death. Suffering in an
indestructible body which never will die is an absurdity because suffering
wouldn’t be necessary any more for that body to announce its malfunction and the
closeness of its destruction. Immortality of a body and suffering of the same
body are two incompatible principles.
Because the Bible speaks about a bodily
resurrection and not only a spiritual one, allegedly in hell there will be
bodies and not only spirits.
Notwithstanding, there are confused ideas in the N.T. regarding the
existence of hell. The mixture of principles is given also by a text from the
book of Revelation:
“7 When the thousand years are ended, Satan will be released from
his prison 8 and will come out to deceive the nations at the four corners of the
earth, Gog and Magog, in order to gather them for battle; they are as numerous
as the sands of the sea. 9 They marched up over the breadth of the earth and
surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. And fire came down from
heaven* and consumed them. 10 And the devil who had deceived them was thrown
into the lake of fire and sulphur, where the beast and the false prophet were,
and they will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.” (Revelation 20;
7-10 NRSV)
The idea is that the devil is only culpable for the bad moral state
of humankind and not human nature. This is a contradiction with many biblical
texts in which human nature is the main thing responsible for the moral decay
and the devil is only a tempter. In other words, if the devil was imprisoned for
one thousand years and during this period of time there will be peace on Earth,
the devil and not human nature is guilty for all the conflicts on the earth.
This is a striking contradiction with the opinion that after Adam
and Eve’s Fall human nature suffered a grave loss of value from a moral point of
view. If human nature had decayed after the Fall the absence of the devil for
one thousand years wouldn’t ensure peace in the world.
According to the same text from the book of Revelation the soldiers
will be destroyed by the fire coming down from heaven; they will not be
tormented for ever and ever. The leaders, the devil, the beast and the false
prophet will be nevertheless tormented day and night. At the same time, the lack
of fire is considered to be the second death but in order to be tormented one
must be alive.
“14 Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is
the second death, the lake of fire; 15 and anyone whose name was not found
written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20;
14-15 NRSV)
Who then will be tormented forever in the lake of fire, the devil,
the beast and the false prophet, or all human beings who are not written in the
book of life? The lake of fire cannot be a place of torment if it is the place
for the second death. Death and torment don’t
go together.
“This is the
second death, the lake of fire.” Is the lake of fire the second death or not and
will people who aren’t in the book of life be tormented there forever? The Bible
generates confusion over this point, as it does in other aspects. Adding to
that, Apostle Paul said that:
“23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is
eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6; 23 NRSV)
This proposition is in accordance with the book of Genesis because
Adam and Eve would have been punished with death following their Fall. Adam and
Eve haven’t been threatened to be tormented forever for their disobedience but
only with death, so the principle of eternal hell is in contradiction with God’s
warning of the first human beings from the book of Genesis. Death and eternal
hell are incongruent with one other and this fundamental inconsistency of the
Bible has created many problems during the history of Christianity. The
announcement of the eternal hell became a way of encouraging people to believe
in religions not based on their free consciousness but under the threat of the
eternal fire.
The existence of an eternal hell where the people will be tormented
forever raises many moral questions. How can anyone be happy in heaven if at the
same time he or she knows that some or all of her loved ones are burning in hell
and are suffering forever? Can a mother, a father, a son, a daughter, a brother,
a sister, or only a good friend be happy in heaven while his or her relative or
friend is tormented in hell? All these people while living on Earth could have
been convinced that humankind comes through evolution from other biological
beings and Adam and Eve are only mythological personages. By rejecting the
reality of the stories of creation from the book of Genesis many people can
become atheists if they don’t have a personal experience with God. That can be a
certificate for hell, if hell is real, because unbelief is considered to be a
This kind of religion doesn’t respond to fundamental human concerns
and it is in a way cynical because it presupposes a high level of indifference
and egotism from the part of some people who would be happy in heaven whilst
their relatives suffer torments in hell.
The persistence
with which the religious institutions insist on the facticity of the stories of
creation from the book of Genesis could have shaken the entire foundation of
religious beliefs of some people. Those stories are contradictory and absurd.
The joy of the elect will be darkened forever by the torment in
hell of their relatives and friends. Only the most egotistic people can be happy
while other people suffer. The Christian values are profoundly inconsistent if
happiness in heaven and sufferings in hell are seen to be coexistent.
The existence of an eternal hell will perpetuate the evil in the
universe and it will influence negatively all living creatures. Hell would be
the place for evil and evil would be eternal. Perpetuating evil forever means
that God didn’t win the battle against it, and that will shadow His character
eternally. An alleged unending revenge of God against the evildoers will extend
the suffering in all existence forever and will generate exactly the opposite of
what He wanted. Instead of an all-comprising world of generosity and peace the
cosmos will be stained by a realm of suffering and evil.
Hell and paradise are the two sides of the same coin in the view of
classical theism and the presumption is that a human being on Earth can truly
realise the difference between them. The difference is very difficult to be
learned because we don’t find it in our nature. Not too many things can be said
about paradise and it cannot be equated with the Garden of Eden because there,
humankind wouldn’t have been happy in lack of the knowledge of good and evil. In
my opinion Jesus didn’t teach us that there is an eternal hell in the literal
sense of the word and He understood by hell, the second death or the lake of
fire in which the unbelievers will die definitively after the resurrection and
What kind of sin in this world can justify an
eternal torment and most importantly the loss of hope? For a mortal, who did an
evil deed there is a punishment and the hope of a new beginning if he or she
wants to change her ways. In case of a condemnation to eternal hell understood
as eternal torment it wouldn’t be the hope that after a while the punishment
will end. This kind of lack of hope shadows the value of Christian religion or
of other religions which profess eternal hell. Love and hell are two
contradictory concepts which annihilate each other and the sum of them is zero.
No human error made in this complicated life on Earth should attract such punishment.
Another problem comes from the opinion of many people who consider
that Satan will torment the sinners in hell. Why would Satan do that? Why would
he torment his “followers” in hell? It is nonsensical to think that Satan will
torment his friends in hell only to fulfil God’s wish and to obey His commands
because Satan is His enemy and doesn’t obey His commands. Probably God will not
have any authority over the hell in the future if it is real, because if He had
such authority He would be responsible for every evil which happens in that
place. If God is considered by the classical theists as not being responsible
for evil, why would He behave in a way to make Himself responsible for the
sufferings of billions of human beings in the future? The classical theistic
view on Christianity is profoundly incongruent at this chapter also.
On one side God is seen as not being responsible for the evil in
the world but on the other side He is presented as the Person who created hell
as a mechanism which will produce suffering for billions of human beings. All
efforts through which the classical theist commentators try to exonerate God of
any guilt for the evil in the world are erased by the theory of the eternal
The question of the evil has at least two branches, one being the
cause of the evil happening in the world and another one being the evil which
allegedly will happen to many in the eternal hell. Suffering for eternity will
overpass any possible sufferings which can happen on Earth and for the existence
of the eternal hell, none other than God would be responsible.
If God doesn’t suffer to see evil because His eyes are very pure,
how could He oversee what Satan will do in hell? If God cannot see evil He will
not verify what Satan will do in hell.
“13 Your eyes are too pure to behold evil, and you cannot look on
wrongdoing; why do you look on the treacherous, and are silent when the wicked
swallow those more righteous than they?” (Habakkuk 1; 13 NRSV)
If God’s eyes are too pure to behold evil why
did He send Saul to depopulate a territory and to kill even the animals?
This is a strange situation but also a contradiction of the Bible.
Can genocide be justified when done for higher religious purposes? Is genocide
always evil or can it sometimes be good if it is committed in God’s service?
After all, in the O.T. there are many examples when God would have committed
genocide in the name of higher principles. In my view genocide can never be used
for religious purposes and is always evil. Regardless of which would be the
moral ideals to attain, someone who uses genocide cannot be right. We have to
choose between a just and generous God and a divinity that uses genocide to
attain His purposes because they both are comprised by the pages of the same
Was there any justification for Stalin to use genocide? He
allegedly followed high social ideals but the result was a disaster. The image
of God from the O.T. is either false and was generated by the authors of the
biblical texts for social and political reasons, or He in the O.T. wasn’t the
same as the Father presented by Jesus. Such a God who committed genocide in the
O.T. wouldn’t have any moral legitimacy to condemn a human being to eternal
torment in hell for any kind of sin. If He did it in virtue of His power what is
the basis to consider Him just? An All-powerful God has the means to attain His
goals without committing genocide and this is the measure of His power.
God’s sovereignty comes from the situation in which He would have
created humankind. If the stories of creation are mythology and not facts, God
didn’t create humankind but it originated in the evolution of nature. If this is
true and I think it is, God’s authority to destroy humankind through genocide,
for example in case of the alleged Flood, can be questioned. Even if God had a
contribution to the emergence of humankind on Earth He wasn’t disobeyed by Adam
and Eve and therefore He doesn’t have any legitimacy to judge human nature.
Human beings have a nature which is generated by the evolution of the natural
world and it couldn’t have been otherwise. God can love human beings and try to
improve their status but He doesn’t have any right to judge and condemn human
nature and to destine people for hell, because He didn’t create Adam and Eve. If
the stories of creation from the Bible are legends, God’s condemnation of human
nature is illegitimate and so is the end of the world and the eternal hell.
The Bible is telling us that there will be an end of the world
because many human beings are sinners. In their nature people cannot
be other than sinners and saints are very rare.
Even the
saints are sinners in their nature. Only people who are born again from God,
small elite as Jesus said, can become saints, but this isn’t natural, it is
supernatural. Their choice to live eternally cannot attract the end of the
world. Faith is a supernatural gift therefore none can be blamed that he or she,
being in his or her human nature, doesn’t have faith in God. Lack of faith is
something natural and none can be condemned to hell for the way in which his or
her nature determines his or her beliefs.
The end of the earth in the biblical view means the end of the
entire cosmos. The Bible says it clearly that the heavens, meaning also the sky
and the celestial bodies, would disappear together with our earth and that would
be the ending point of our cosmos.
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for
the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. 2
And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God,
prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” (Revelation 21; 1-2 NRSV)
According to the book of Revelation chapter 21, verse 1, on the new
Earth will be no sea, meaning no planetary oceans. This is particularly strange
if one considers an environment suitable for the human beings. The disappearance
of the sea has a theological reason, meaning that God will win against His old
enemy which in the book of Genesis is the chaos represented by the primeval sea.
“10 But the day of the Lord will come like a
thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a loud noise, and the elements
will be dissolved with fire, and the earth and everything that is done on it
will be disclosed.* 11 Since all these things are to be dissolved in this way,
what sort of people ought you to be in leading lives of holiness and godliness,
12 waiting for and hastening* the coming of the day of God, because of which the
heavens will be set ablaze and dissolved, and the elements will melt with fire?
13 But, in accordance with his promise, we wait for new heavens and a new earth,
where righteousness is at home.” (2 Peter 3; 10-13 NRSV)
To bring the end of the world because human beings are what
they naturally need to be is a very incongruent doctrine. If humankind is able
to avoid an end of the world by generating an era of peace, why would God be
unhappy with that and why would He destroy the earth? There isn’t any rational
meaning in that.
On the other side, Satan will not feel obliged to follow God’s
orders after His judgement and after His sentence to eternal hell, given to
billions of human beings. There is nothing worse than hell which could happen to
Satan if he disobeys God once more. The devil and not God will be the master of
hell and he wouldn’t be interested to apply any sentence given by God. The devil
will not have any desire to torment his followers, only to obey to God. How will
God impose anything on Satan in hell, the devil’s territory, if He couldn’t
dominate the devil on Earth? Satan will not have the interest to submit to God’s
will and to torment billions of people in hell.
Jesus said that the elect will be in small number in heaven and
consequently many will be destined to hell:
“11 ‘But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man
there who was not wearing a wedding robe, 12 and he said to him, “Friend, how
did you get in here without a wedding robe?” And he was speechless. 13 Then the
king said to the attendants, “Bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the
outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” 14 For many
are called, but few are chosen’.” (Mathew 22; 11-14 NRSV)
In a multitude of many billions of human beings what does it mean
that many are called and few are chosen? How many are called and how few are
chosen? We don’t know the number but few in relation with many are a minority.
If many will be thrown into hell Satan will be the master of an enormous
population and his interest would not be to torment that population in order to
be in accord with God’s will, but to exploit that population in his interest.
How big a place has hell to be in order to host billions of people and to ensure
all necessary conditions for their torment? Probably, the size of planet Earth
will be needed but our planet will be destroyed.
Another planet
will be needed only for hell but according to 2 Peter 3, verses 10-13, a “new
heavens and a new earth, where righteousness is at home” will exist. The
existence of hell in that new environment will prevent righteousness from being
at home on the same new Earth. The City of God will be tiny in comparison with
hell but it will need to occupy a planet alone if righteousness is to be there
at home.
How about the hell? Where will it be placed? In order for the human
beings to survive and to be eternally tormented they will need an atmosphere and
suitable conditions for their existence. Will they not be suffocated by so much
smoke or other noxious gases in hell? How much suffering can a human body
endure? In order to be able to suffer eternally a human body must be first
changed into an indestructible body. That means that God would have firstly to
make all humankind immortal and only after that He will divide the human beings
into two destinations for heaven and hell.
This hypothesis looks ridiculous. Why would
God make all people immortal if some of them will already be dead and death is
the price of sin? This is an absurd proposition and is found in the Bible. If
the eternal hell is real God has taken the risk of transforming the dust of the
earth into a source of eternal distress, and that cannot mean love by any
standard. Many would say that God’s standards are different than humankind’s
views about love but if there is a relationship based on love between He and
human beings this love must be of such a kind that it could be understood by
both parties. The existence of an eternal hell will annihilate any pretension
that God is a loving Person and this will change completely the sense of Jesus’s
teachings about God.
Only Satan can create a hell for humankind but not the loving God.
In order to do that Satan has to be more than a fallen angel; he has to be a
fallen god with huge creative powers if we take the classical theism view
seriously. Satan would have the power to change the mortal human bodies into
immortal bodies and to take with him into his kingdom billions of people.
Satan’s kingdom would be a kingdom of darkness and not of light. Nevertheless,
in the O.T. people were punished on Earth for their disobedience to God and they
were also rewarded on Earth for their good behaviour with a long and prosperous
life. The blessings of God weren’t linked to the heavens but to Earth:
“If you will only obey the LORD your God, by diligently
observing all his commandments that I am commanding you today, the LORD your God
will set you high above all the nations of the earth; 2 all these blessings
shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the LORD your God:”
(Deuteronomy 28; 1-2 NRSV)
There is nothing in these verses about the eternal life in heaven
or about the punishment with eternal hell. The main promise for the human beings
who were obedient to God was a good life on Earth and for the Jewish nation to
be “high above all the nations of the earth”. Domination of the entire world is
something other than eternal salvation of the believer, and none should be
surprised that the Jewish representatives who have known the Scriptures rejected
Jesus’ interpretation of the old texts.
On the basis of the quoted text the Jewish
people would have waited for a Saviour who could place their nation “high above
all the nations of the earth”. Many Jews have expected that their Saviour would
have liberated them from Romans and place them above all nations.
The point is that the doctrine of the eternal hell is based on a
misinterpretation of some of the Jesus’s parabolic teachings. The eternal hell
is very much cherished by the apologists of a literal interpretation of the
Bible and the idea is that if Christians are not attracted by heaven at least
they should be scared by hell.
The Torah focuses on how one should live his or her life rather
than on getting a reward or being punished in the other world for the way that
he or she lived on Earth:
“Although Judaism believes in heaven, the Torah speaks very little
about it. The Torah focuses less on how we get to heaven and considerably more
on how to live our lives. We perform the mitzvot because it is our privilege and
our sacred obligation to do so. We perform them out of a sense of love and duty,
not out of a desire to get something in return.”[1]
the Jewish people didn’t expect a reward in heaven they also didn’t have any
motives to wait to be chastised in hell for their wrongdoings. Eternal hell is
either a hidden doctrine in the O.T. or it isn’t a doctrine at all. If it is
hidden that means that for some reason God didn’t want to present Himself as the
Judge who sends people to eternal torment. This is a fundamental contradiction
between the O.T. and the N.T. Is it not the same God? The Judeo-Christian
tradition assumes that the O.T. and the N.T. speak about the same God. In the
Jewish tradition besides the cleansing of sins in this life it was possible to
be cleansed in the Sheol also, which was a temporary, not an eternal, place
where the dead would have resided:
“Sins that were not cleansed prior to death are removed by a
process described as Sheol or Gehinom. Contrary to the Greek and Christian view
of eternal damnation in Hades or Hell, the “punishment” of Sheol, as described
in the Jewish Scriptures, is temporary.”[2]
Is the eternal hell tradition in Christianity a heritage from the
Greeks rather than from the Jewish people? Probably it is. If we want to take
seriously the principle of punishment in an eternal hell of billions of people,
as opposed to the salvation of few in heaven, we should admit that such an idea
has nothing to do with the incommensurable love of God. What danger could so
many people represent for God after their death in order to be condemned by Him
eternally? Such people will not “fight” with the All-powerful God anymore
because they will be dead and they will remain dead if they are not resurrected
by Him. On the basis of their free will they have chosen not to follow God’s
principles. There isn’t any free will where someone is punished for his or her
How could the existence of hell, an eternal place for torment,
compensate the need for God’s justice? It is supposed that God will lead the
redeemed in paradise through love and not through fear. The only justification
for the existence of an eternal hell in the future world would be the need for
fear instilled in the hearts of the only living beings that could still disobey
God, meaning those living in Paradise. What other reason could be valid?
How could
justice be served if a person of a religion other than Christian would be
condemned to eternal hell only because he or she didn’t practice the Christian
tradition? It is very possible that such a person has been an honest and
charitable man or woman when living on Earth but he or she has observed other
religious rituals than the Christian ones according to his or her upbringing.
There would be no justice in the punishment in hell but only a permanent
deterrent for the saved in order to discourage them from rebelling once more
against God. At the same time, such a God cannot be the All-mighty divinity who
loves humankind unconditionally but only a divinity interested primarily in
exerting His power. If God would have such a limited character we should know
that, and the religious factors should preach it. In my opinion classical
theistic interpretations of God’s existence and character are in many cases
deeply flawed and an example is the doctrine of the eternal hell. In reality, I
am convinced that God is generous and He isn’t a tormentor.
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